
Advisory Group Rejects Trabuco Plan

An advisory committee Wednesday night rejected a county plan that would hold growth to 1,700 new homes in the Trabuco Canyon area, saying that the limits were too restrictive on property owners.

Yet the panel unanimously rejected the county’s proposal for a new two-lane roadway. They said the three-mile stretch through backcountry would permit too much development as well as open the area to traffic from Rancho Santa Margarita.

THE 11-MEMBER PANEL OF LOCAL RESIDENTS, PROPERTY OWNERS AND DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVES MET The unprecedented plan, more than two years in the making, would establish sweeping guidelines for development in an area best known for its rugged canyons, views and thousands of oak trees.


Environmentalists and some residents say the area’s rural nature would be ruined by allowing the 1,700 homes and the new road. But some landowners complained that the plan bars them from subdividing.

The panel’s recommendations now will go to the County Planning Commission, which will hold hearings on the growth plan on Sept. 11 and 12.
