
More on Convent at Death Camp

William Pfaff shed some much-needed light on the Polish feelings about the Carmelite convent near Auschwitz (“Poles Suffered Too, but Justice Seems to Give Jews Deciding Word on Auschwitz,” Op-Ed, Aug. 28). However, he still misses the point.

The convent is outside the camp fence. “The convent lawn is a former gravel pit where political prisoners were gunned down by Nazi executioners in 1940 and 1941” (Times, Part I, July 15). Surely, a majority of those political prisoners were Polish Christians. Indeed, “. . . a million Polish Catholics . . . were killed by the Nazis at Auschwitz.” (Times, Part I, Aug. 16). Auschwitz is, therefore, the largest Polish, largest Catholic, largest Christian cemetery in the history of the world.

The Jews have no legal or moral right to have the deciding word on the convent.

