
San Fernando to Remove Asbestos From City Hall

The San Fernando City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to pay $37,500 to remove asbestos from City Hall as part of a civic center renovation program.

Northern Asbestos Abatement Co. of La Habra submitted the lowest of three bids on the asbestos removal, the first step in a $1.5-million project to renovate and expand City Hall and the city police station.

The council also voted to solicit bids for construction work on the renovation and expansion project. About 3,500 square feet of new offices and conference rooms will be added to City Hall. The exterior will be replaced with a facade that will include a Mission-style arch, and the building will be made accessible to the handicapped.


Michael S. Drake, acting director of public works, said asbestos removal is scheduled to begin in about five weeks. City administrators will move to the old police station on MacNeil Street during the work. Construction at City Hall is scheduled to begin in eight to 10 weeks, Drake said.
