
Nothing Wrong With Baby Pictures

I would like to respond to the letter written by Howard Levine regarding our exhibit at the San Fernando Valley Fair.

Our organization is dedicated to serving the needs of pregnant women. All of these services are provided at no cost. The exhibit was a positive one, which consisted of the showing of the tape, “The Miracle of Life,” which is a beautiful film depicting the very beginnings of human life, including the birth of a baby. Our displays consisted of baby pictures, balloons and literature that presented positive alternatives to abortion. There were no pictures of abortions! If baby pictures offend Mr. Levine, we are sorry.

As to his point that the fair is supposed to be an agricultural exhibition, not a political or religious event, we are neither a political nor a religious organization. If Mr. Levine wants to attend a strictly agricultural fair, then I suggest he move to a farming area.


We received many positive comments at the fair and generally felt welcome.


Hamilton is coordinator of the Pregnancy Counseling Center.
