
Rocks Under Bridges Displace the Homeless

I just read with dismay that the Environmental Management Agency will have 25 workers placing rocks under the overpasses on McFadden, Edinger and 1st streets, where the homeless have been living for the last six months. What happened to the “kinder, gentler America” we were promised?

The people in Costa Mesa have denied Save Our Selves a renewal of their lease because the neighbors “didn’t want to see all the poor and homeless standing in line for food.”

I think we should all stand up and say: Hey, we’ve got a serious homeless problem in our area and forget the rocks under the bridges, and canceling the leases of people who are donating their time and money and food to help do something, besides criticizing the poor and the homeless.


The rocks are being placed because the homeless are a nuisance to the joggers and cyclists who use the trails.

I have one question. Did anyone think of spending the money on housing for the homeless instead of paying for rocks to drive them from the only shelter they can afford?

In our affluent nation, can’t we and shouldn’t we be doing better?


Huntington Beach
