
‘Why Not a Police Corps?’

The Times’ editorial (Oct. 22) asks: “Why Not a Police Corps?” There are two very good reasons why we don’t need one.

First, is the potential danger of the federal government controlling all of the 40,000 independent police agencies in this country. The proposed national Police Corps is an ideal vehicle through which to establish this control. People who think that centralized control of police is a good thing should note that all communist and other totalitarian governments think so too--and they use it to keep their citizens subjugated.

Second, is the increased cost to taxpayers. We need to eliminate government programs--not add new ones--and get runaway federal spending under control.


In addition, The Times stated that “recruiting in big cities gets harder and harder.” The federal government really can help here by eliminating the minority hiring requirements imposed on our local police forces. This will make recruiting much easier and save our tax dollars at both the local and federal levels.


