
The Other ‘Always’

How does film maker Henry Jaglom feel about Steven Spielberg calling his latest movie “Always”--the same title Jaglom used for his modestly budgeted 1985 tale of tangled relationships?

“Personally, I am delighted,” Jaglom said, “as it seems to me this will help sell quite a few videocassettes for me, once our two movies find themselves side by side in the video store bins, rentable at two bucks each, no matter what their original budget.”

Jaglom had already filmed “Always” when he received a letter from MGM informing him that Spielberg had registered the title with the Motion Picture Assn. of America, as well as many similar titles, such as “Forever” and “Eternally.” (MGM owned the rights to the 1943 film, “A Guy Named Joe,” which inspired Spielberg’s film).


But when Jaglom learned that Spielberg had yet to get a script under way, he used “Always” for his completed picture, which was released to solid notices and a healthy run on the art-house circuit.

Now, Spielberg’s “Always” will open on Dec. 20--a week after Jaglom’s latest film, “New Year’s Day.” (A Spielberg rep said the director wouldn’t be commenting on all this “because he’s busy doing final work on his ‘Always.’ ”)

Meanwhile, the busy Jaglom is currently editing “Eating”--”38 wonderful women all sharing their obsessions with food”--and just finished shooting “Venice/Venice.” He’s also got a project on the boards with the working title “Evening Time.”


“But you know, on second thought,” Jaglom mused, “I think I’ll just call it ‘E.T.’ for short.”
