
Psychological Profile Sought in Pastor’s Death

The county coroner’s office will seek a psychological profile to determine if a Glendale church pastor facing child molestation charges committed suicide when he was struck by a truck on a freeway.

Walter Heroldo Solis, 54, of Arleta was charged Oct. 27 with molesting three girls at Glendale Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church. He was killed Nov. 29 on the Golden State Freeway after he pulled a car onto the shoulder, raised the hood and apparently stepped into a traffic lane, Los Angeles police said.

Citing the pastor’s despondency upon his arrest and statements from three witnesses who said Solis jumped in front of the truck, police said the death appeared to be a suicide.


However, Solis’ family and members of the congregation said Solis was not suicidal. He had denied the charges against him.
