
Cosby’s Comments

I have a lot of respect for Cosby; it’s his series that gets on my nerves. “The Cosby Show” has been plagued from inception with two serious flaws: incessant male-bashing and the non-existence of character development.

With regard to the first point, how many episodes must there be in which the women are forever cool and calm and the men true idiots? It there an intelligent woman alive who falls for this cheap pandering, and is there an intelligent man alive who doesn’t see what the show is up to--trying to “buy” female support?

In regard to character development, I’d like to see the “Cosby” writing/production staff differentiate, other than by age and appearance, the children. Each is virtually identical, with a single, collective personality--cutesy-poo/boring.


As for Phyllicia Rashad’s character, the all-knowing, all-seeing Claire Huxtable, she smiles an awful lot for an attorney. Has she ever lost a case? Has she ever had a case?

“Cosby” may usually be No. 1 or close to it, but I fear it’s put there by people whose favorite restaurant is McDonald’s, whose automobile windows are adorned with “Baby on Board” signs and whose major source of news is the National Enquirer.


Westlake Village
