
Let’s Take Time Out for Innovative Thought

The bozos who run boxing have never been known for creative thinking, but maybe somebody can get a message through to them. Will somebody tell them about an invention that came out recently? It’s called a clock.

You put a 10-second clock on the apron or overhead. When a fighter hits the canvas, an official at ringside hits a button. The clock starts. At 10 seconds, a buzzer sounds; the fight is over.

What if the fighter who has been knocked down can’t read the clock? Hey, if he can’t read the clock, stop the fight and call the paramedics.


The idea of keeping time by counting is so primitive it’s ludicrous. Can you imagine what a farce the world record in the 100-meter dash would be if the timekeeper stood at the finish line counting one, two, three, etc., while Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson headed for the tape?

