
Peace Prospects Between Israel and Arabs

We are outraged with President Bush’s statement questioning Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem. Jews have the unassailable right to live in any neighborhood in Jerusalem, just as all people do.

We at Hadassah remember when the city was divided before 1967 and Jews were prohibited from living in East Jerusalem. We remember when our hospital on Mt. Scopus was cut off and the doctors and nurses were brutally ambushed and murdered. Jewish holy places were destroyed and Jews could not pray at the Western Wall. The city was a battle zone.

Since its reunification in 1967, Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, has flourished. The city is free, united and at peace. At Hadassah’s hospital on Mt. Scopus, people of all faiths receive equal care.


Today, people of all religions and backgrounds live and worship freely in all parts of Jerusalem. Christians, Jews and Muslims have unrestricted access to their holy places. This is the current status of Jerusalem, and it is not negotiable.


President, Hadassah

Southern Pacific Coast Region

Los Angeles
