
War of Falsehoods

It’s time for San Diegans to speak up and make known to the so-called Rev. Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition and his ilk that we are not patsies for his political agenda. He comes to our community from elsewhere with his hateful, bigoted, intolerant views and wants to use the citizens of San Diego to promote them.

His opposition to the Human Dignity Ordinance, which provides equal rights, not special privileges, to a segment of our population that is continually harassed and discriminated against by the likes of Sheldon, is indefensible. These people work, pay taxes, contribute to our community and deserve the same equal rights as the rest of us.

Come on, San Diego, lets show these extremists that they’re not fooling us with their misrepresentations and smoke-screen antics. Support the HDO and equal rights for all citizens.



San Diego
