
Debate Over Revitalization of Olvera Street

If thinking persons sometimes wonder why certain issues cause an “us against you” mentality (meaning the Anglo against the American of Mexican descent), then the Olvera Street issue is the perfect example.

First of all, Olvera Street is the only tourist attraction in Los Angeles that is a symbol of the pride of Mexican culture. Although to call Olvera Street a “street” is truly a misnomer, because it is actually an alley.

That’s it folks, a scant alleyway is what we are discussing here. And may I interject that the Japanese-Americans and Chinese-Americans have several cultural blocks, have had them for years, and are still rapidly expanding--which is fine with me. All I’m fighting for is our single, measly little alley.


As for the remainder of Los Angeles business, it is primarily run by Anglos. Obviously, getting 95% (give or take a couple of percents) is not enough for greedy corporate America. It now wants to devour our little alley because it needs the money . . . or does it just want to obliterate our culture?

It seems to me that the majority Anglos always think they know what is best for us: in education, in politics, in business. However, I notice that in this game plan, Latinos usually wind up losing. Honest, stop being so “good” to us!

And just who appointed the Anglo the “God over Mexicans” anyway?


Temple City
