
School Funds

In response to “Deukmejian Gets Dunce Cap for Spiking Innovative School Assessment Program,” Opinion, Aug. 19:

I was both amazed and annoyed by this article. To read it, one would think that the California Assessment Program was the best thing since sliced salami. It was not. It was a waste of time for students, a waste of energy for teachers and a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Since no student’s name was on the test, students were not accountable, so they took a “who-cares” attitude. No teacher saw the results of his students’ tests, so they were not diagnostic.


CAP was sold to us by Supt. of Public Instruction Bill Honig as the accountability for the extra millions of dollars that Gov. Deukmejian poured into public schools by signing SB 813. When teachers and administrators heard that Deukmejian cut CAP, they were dancing in the halls.


Rancho Palos Verdes
