
COSTA MESA : Elite British Band to Play at College

The pipes, drums and bugles of the Royal Highland Fusiliers will sound Monday when the regimental band performs at Orange Coast College.

The performance at LeBard Stadium begins at 7:30 p.m.

The Royal Highland Fusiliers are from Princess Margaret’s Glasgow and Ayreshire Regiment.

The regiment, which was formed in 1959 by uniting the Royal Scots Fusiliers and the Highland Light Infantry, incorporates the history and traditions of three former historic Scottish Regiments--the 21st of Foot, and the 71st and 74th Highlanders.

It is the oldest Clan Regiment in the British Army. Since 1980, the battalion has served in Belfast, Berlin and Edinburgh.


Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12 and are on sale at the college’s ticket office in the Student Center Building.

For more information, call 432-5880.
