
Ex-Guard Gets 2 Life Terms in 2 Murders

A Superior Court judge has sentenced a former security guard to two terms of life in prison without possibility of parole for murdering two men in front of his Inglewood apartment complex.

In August, a jury convicted Ahmad Grigsby, 29, of two counts of first-degree murder with special circumstances in the March 17, 1989, shooting deaths of Terry Goring and Raymond Rodriguez at Grigsby’s apartment building on Firmona Avenue.

During the trial, witnesses testified that Grigsby shot Goring in the chest without provocation and then shot him a second time in the head as Goring pleaded for his life. Witnesses also testified that Grigsby shot Rodriguez in the head as he leaned over to help Goring.


The jurors could have recommended the death penalty for Grigsby but, after testimony that Grigsby is mentally unstable, decided that he should not die for the shootings.
