
A look inside Hollywood and the movies. : GLORY DAYS : Rocketing Back to the . . . Past

Sounds like it’s back to the good ol’ days of Hollywood.

Disney is engaging in some old-fashioned hoopla Wednesday for its summer adventure film “The Rocketeer.” And the theater the studio has chosen? No crummy little multiplex here. The Hollywood landmark El Capitan theater has been completely renovated to its former glory.

The El Capitan, which opened in 1926 as a legitimate stage theater, was converted to a movie theater in 1941. It closed in the fall of 1989. The renovation has been a joint project of Disney and Pacific Theaters, which owns the El Capitan.

(“Rocketeer” opens officially on Friday at the El Capitan and other theaters.)

Oh, by the way, a traffic alert: Hollywood Boulevard between Highland and Orchid will be closed from 9 a.m. till midnight for the party. Tickets for the preview and party go on sale at 4 p.m. at the theater box office. The film’s stars--including “Rocketeer” Bill Campbell and Jennifer Connolly--will attend.
