
‘Boyz N the Hood’

I strongly disagree with your editorial (“Gang Watch: Shooting the Messenger,” July 16). The trend towards off-screen violence in movie theaters is certainly caused by what is happening on screen. Three killings in three years all occurred during screenings of films with violent content. Would such random shootings occur during the screening of a Woody Allen film? I think not.

As far as Columbia Pictures paying for added security, what good will such security do when these films start playing on television? The Times, by disclaiming any responsibility producers have, is condoning slaughter in the name of entertainment. It is not the role of entertainers to contribute to anti-social behavior among youth. Glamorizing an aberrant lifestyle only makes the lifestyle more enticing.

I call upon Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren to use his office to open an investigation of irresponsible and inflammatory movie-makers whose product pollutes the minds and morals of our young.



San Diego
