
The Times monthly survey of the cost...

The Times monthly survey of the cost of goods and services commonly purchased by Southern California residents found little change in July. Notable changes include an increase in the price of broccoli, which shot up because of the freeze earlier in the year, dipped dramatically as the supply strengthened and is now creeping up again.

Highlight: The quarterly review of utilities--done in April and then again in July--reflects seasonal shifts in gas and electric bills, when gas heating is replaced by electric air conditioning. July estimates for electricity may be high because they are based on normal summer temperatures rather than this summer’s mild weather. Rents were mixed, with decreases in the San Fernando Valley being offset by generally higher prices on the Westside.

April July % Chg. Shelter Rent (2-bedroom, $863.60 $931.54 +8% unfurnished apartment Utilities**** Natural gas $47.82 $22.29 -55% Telephone $27.69 $27.69 unchg. Electricity DWP (400 kwh) $36.74 $36.74 unchg. Southern California $56.61 $60.81 +7% Edison (500 kwh) Water and sewer $38.69 $38.69 unchg. Water (DWP) $24.99 $24.99 unchg. June July % Chg. Groceries Chicken (per lb., $1.36* $1.59 +17% best of fryer cut up) 13-oz. can of coffee $2.758 $2.50 -9% 1 dz. eggs $1.806 $1.94 +7% (grade AA large) 24-oz. wheat bread $2.04 $2.04 unchg. 1 lb. pinto beans $0.60 $0.56 -7% 10-lb. bag of potatoes $2.19 $1.89 -14% Navel oranges (per lb.)*** $ -- -- 1 gal. homogenized milk $2.50 $2.27 -9% 1 lb. broccoli (fresh) $0.51 $.64* +18% 8-oz. package $1.7625 $1.76 ** of chocolate candy Six-pack beer $4.266 $4.36 +2% (12-oz. cans) 1 doz. corn tortillas $0.458 $0.47 +3% 10-lb. bag dry dog food $6.46 $6.46 ** Super- $7.342 $7.34 ** concentrated detergent (30-load) Toilet tissue $1.686 $1.56 -7 % (4-roll package) Eating out Fast-food cheeseburger $0.82 $0.80 -3% Other goods and services 1 gal. gas. $1.01 $1.01 unchg. (unleaded self-serve) 3-pack, $3.96 $3.96 unchg. boys Size 12 cotton briefs Dry cleaning, $7.11 $7.11 unchg. man’s two-piece suit Professional $44.56 $44.56 unchg. drain cleaning Manicure 7.75 $7.75 unchg.


* Includes at least one sale price. ** Less than 1% change.

*** Out of season. **** Monthly residential average provided by the utilities.
