
Dana Point General Plan Defended and Derided

The great majority of the citizens of Dana Point are satisfied with our progress as a newly formed city no longer required to base its future character on county land-use planning.

The majority of us also recognize that the uniqueness of our harbor and beaches makes us a tourist destination. Like it or not, we must share with those who don’t live here. The old “drawbridge” philosophy just won’t work.

However, this is our home, and constraints must be set. A balance must be struck. Our City Council has recognized this and, with direction from many sources, developed a well-balanced General Plan that sets reasonable constraints on future land-use.


Now comes pressure from an organized vocal minority whose intent is to derail the plan--the typical special interest group trying to exalt themselves while putting the future of their city in jeopardy.

Our City Council unanimously approved a well-crafted, balanced General Plan. Now is the time for us to stand up and be counted or forever be fair game to every crank group in town!

FRANK MOLINA, Monarch Beach
