
The Enemy

Researched by: APRIL JACKSON / Los Angeles Times

Argentine Ant (Iridomyrmex Humilis):

Color: Dark brown to brownish-black.

Size: Medium by ant standards, about 1/16 to 1/8-inch.

Description: Single segment connects thorax with abdomen. Strong jaws for carrying food back to the colony; is capable of biting. Does not have a stinger.

Climate: Prefers cool weather. Will move into house for protection from rain.

Habitat: Under stones, in sidewalks, at base of trees and posts. Does not require hard dirt for nest. Able to establish colony in a pile of mulch or leaves.

Tastes: Sweets, sugar, pet food, crumbs, soft drinks and water.

Temperament: “Extremely aggressive,” act as protection for aphids and other crop-attacking pests that provide them with food.


Colony: Population can be in the tens of thousands. When unfavorable conditions arise, the colony can easily relocate.

Source: Agriculture commissioner, Nurseryland Garden Centers
