
Controversy Over Breast Implants

I am outraged by the article. As a facilitator and member of a breast cancer support group, it is obvious that Rosen has never attended any breast cancer support group. Most of us know the value and importance of implants to put our lives back together after experiencing cancer.

Rosen, as with the majority of the media, seems to think of breast implants as vanity when it is really sanity. Why is it acceptable to put braces on your teeth or color your hair to feel better about yourself but implants are only for the “barbaric” vain?

I am currently undergoing my second reconstructed breast and I could never have faced this difficult situation if I had to spend my life as an amputee. The male testicular and penile implants are not being challenged. Perhaps if there were as many men missing a testicle as there are women missing a breast, the situation would change.



Simi Valley
