
Water Watch

The people of San Diego have been asked to cut water usage by at least 20 percent to help conserve dwindling water supplies. The state is coping with its sixth consecutive year of drought. The chart shows how San Diego’s water conservation efforts went last week.

Expected usage: 1,565 million gallons (MG)

20% saving usage: 1,250 million gallons (MG)

Fri., May 1 186.8 MG 23.1% Sat., May 2 179.3 MG 26.2% Sun., May 3 196.7 MG 19.0% Mon., May 4 193.9 MG 20.2% Tue., May 5 183.4 MG 24.5% Wed., May 6 184.1 MG 24.2% Thr., May 7 182.0 MG 25.1% TOTAL 1,306.2 MG 23.2%

For water-saving tips contact: San Diego Water Utilities Department: 533-4111. San Diego County Water Authority: 297-3399


Water Conservation Tip of the Week

Use a low-flow shower head. Low-flow showers use 2.5 gallons per minute. Regular showers use 6 to 8 gallons.

Note: Expected water usage is an estimate based on a five-year weighted average calculated by previous water use and population changes.
