
At a Glance:

Corporate headquarters: Robertsdale, Ala.

Franchise: Huntington Beach Franchise founded: November, 1987

Franchise owner: Marie Curren, president

Nature of business: Cleaning and maintaining fuel storage tanks, removing and installing new tanks, fuel and soil analysis, fuel transfers, station repair, fuel filtration, tank testing, hazardous-waste disposal

Clients include: AT&T;, CalTrans, Chevron USA, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties, Exxon, General Motors, Hertz, Norton Air Force Base, Pacific Bell, State of California, U.S. Postal Service, MCI, Ryder, Smithsonian Institution, Roadway, UCLA, U.S. State Department, USC Medical Center

Target industries: Municipalities, oil companies, school districts, hotels, hospitals, manufacturing plants, firms that use standby generators, diesel and gasoline-powered engines, consumers with automobiles, boats, motor homes


Employees: 4

Sales in 1991: $250,000

Projected 1992 sales: $300,000
