
Parents React to Athletics for Youngsters

The parents of the young, exhausted athletes in your article “All Work, No Play” (May 7) gave themselves away when they pointed out that their children’s grueling schedule “keeps (them) out of trouble and off the streets.” Here again we have presumably educated, middle-class parents relinquishing responsibility for overseeing their children’s waking hours.

Just as these kids were probably shuttled off to day care as toddlers, they are now disposed of on baseball diamonds and soccer fields.

The quest for (sports) scholarships seems misguided. These kids could spend half that time studying, and apply for academic scholarships instead.


The only reason the children aren’t complaining is because they’ve probably been over-programmed like this from a very early age. Our children grow up and leave home too quickly as it is. When are we going to spend some time with them?


Santa Monica
