
Obituaries - May 23, 1992

Blakenship, Betty Jean, 58, of Lancaster, homemaker. Halley-Olsen Funeral Chapel, Lancaster.

Borboa, Jess C., 74, of San Fernando, retired clerk for Alpha Beta market. J. T. Oswald Mortuary, San Fernando.

Buckman, Judith Rae, 49, of Lancaster, instructional aide for Quartz Hill High School. Murphy Mortuary, Lancaster.


Derx, Hattie, 86, of Van Nuys, retired cashier for Safeway market. Praiswater Funeral Home, Van Nuys.

Earl, Mary Grace, 85, of Granada Hills, retired housekeeper. Pierce Brothers Meyer-Mitchell Mortuary, Van Nuys.

Finley, Joan Frances, 49, of Canyon Country, real estate agent for Newhall Land & Farming Co. The Neptune Society, Burbank.


Godley, Sonah J., 77, of Chatsworth, interior designer and artist. The Neptune Society, Burbank.

Howard, Sibyl, 74, of North Hollywood, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Maas, Barney William, 57, of North Hollywood, musical instrument repair technician for Los Angeles Unified School District. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Mitchell, John Oscar, 54, of Newhall, construction worker. Eternal Valley Mortuary, Newhall.


Sacklyn, Vincent N., 77, of Burbank, retired machinist. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Wilbern, Edwin B., 93, of Rancho Bernardo, Calif., formerly of Glendale, retired purchasing agent for Lockheed Corp. Kiefer & Eyerick Mortuary, Glendale.

Information on Valley-area deaths is provided by cooperating mortuaries.
