
Valex Corp. Sells Line of Pharmaceuticals

Valex Corp. in Ventura has sold its line of pharmaceutical and biotechnical mixers to General Signal Corp. of Stamford, Conn. The sale, for an undisclosed amount, gives General Signal a group of so-called magnetic mixers that enhance the sterility of medicines and other substances.

Daniel Quigg, engineering manager of Valex’s magnetic products division, said the Ventura company developed the devices but sold them to concentrate on its prime field, producing stainless-steel tubes and fittings for the semiconductor industry.

“We expect to develop new products in that field as well,” he said.

The mixer line will be moved to General Signal’s Lightnin division in Rochester, N.Y.

Valex, a subsidiary of Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. of Los Angeles, has 100 employees. No layoffs are expected as a result of the sale, Quigg said.
