
VENTURA : Homeless Man Dies After Being Stabbed

A 31-year-old homeless man who lived in a remote encampment in the Santa Clara River bottom died after he was stabbed in the chest by another transient during an argument, Ventura police said Friday.

The man, who has not been identified pending notification of next of kin, died Thursday from a stab wound to his chest, Deputy Coroner Mitch Breese said.

Shortly after the incident Thursday, Ventura police arrested Brian Lester Bay, 35, on suspicion of homicide, Sgt. R. W. Anderson said.


Bay, a transient, placed an emergency call about 9:30 p.m., informing authorities about the stabbing, police said. Police received a second call about the homicide from Jeff Haerterich, 23, also believed to be homeless, Anderson said.

Police found the stabbing victim in a patch of bamboo-like plant that many homeless people who live in the river area use to make rudimentary dwellings.

The victim, who had lived in the river bottom for two years, was pronounced dead on arrival at Ventura County Medical Center, Ventura police spokesman Don Arth said.


Bay was being held Friday at Ventura County Jail on $250,000 bail.
