
Conversion of El Toro Base: Will It Fly?

The editorial “Reveille for Our Reps to Save El Toro” (April 20) was shortsighted. The fact is that the sooner these bases are closed, the sooner the United States begins to save. If it needs to be closed, it will be, ultimately, anyway.

We should all regard closing El Toro as the incredible opportunity it is. Imagine a real international airport in Orange County, instead of the problem boondoggle of John Wayne. It could pay for itself within 10 years. John Wayne would become private and for commuter craft only.

The few affected residents around El Toro would be easier bought out than all of Santa Ana Heights and half of Newport. After all, even 727s are quieter than military jets.


El Toro would benefit Orange County into the 22nd Century!

Closing the El Toro Marine base could be the best thing to happen in Orange County next to Disneyland. Think about it!


Newport Beach
