
DWP Should Reconsider Stand on Garden Flap

* Let’s see if I have this right (“Controversy Takes Root,” July 2). Seventy-two people, of various ages, have been productively utilizing a mere 5.5 acres of DWP land for the purpose of growing fruit, vegetables and flowers. They have been doing this for some 17 years. This provides them with healthful food, keeps them physically active in sunshine and fresh air and off welfare. Sounds like one of those “thousand points of light” we used to hear about.

Now the Department of Water & Power has had some second thoughts because it wants to raise the water rates and wants the growers to pull the weeds on the land. As I see it, the DWP should be delighted that the acreage is not completely in weeds and there is some beauty around those hideous transmission towers.

Can we get a trade-off here? The Arleta Community Garden Club will keep the weeds cleared and DWP will keep the water bill at the current rate.


Let’s not make a federal case out of 5.5 acres of land.


