
MEDICINE : The New Pill

Researched by D'JAMILA SALEM / Los Angeles Times

This fall, 2,000 volunteers will begin testing the abortion pill in up to a dozen sites around the nation, a critical step in attempts to gain its acceptance in the United States. Abortion rights advocates hope that the pill, known as RU 486, will be a cheaper, safer alternative to the surgical procedure. Opponents contend that the pill is dangerous for women.

Argument For

“RU-486 is a one-two punch. It changes forever the terms of the abortion debate and it dramatically increases abortion access for women. This is a victory not only for women but for health care.

--Eleanor Smeal, The Feminist Majority Foundation

Argument Against

“RU-486 kills an unborn baby who’s heart has started to beat, has killed and injured women, and can deform an unborn baby who survives the abortion attempt.”


--Richard Glasow, National Right to Life.

How RU 486 Works

When a woman in pregnant, her body produces progesterone. Receptors recognize the presence of this hormone, thus preventing the shedding of the uterine lining.






RU 486 interferes with the body’s receptors . . .

RU 486



. . . and the body sheds the lining along with the fertilized egg just like normal menstruation.

If the woman does not abort within 48 hours, she is given a second drug, prostaglandin, which induces contractions to expel the remaining contents of the uterus.




RU 486

When it can be done: First seven weeks of pregnancy.

Minimum office visits: Three

Medical requirements: Not recommended for women with heart problems, smokers or those under age 18 or over 35.

Procedure: First visit, is to confirm pregnancy. Second visit, the first pill is given, no waiting required. If the woman has not aborted, a second drug is given and the woman stays at the office for four hours, during which time she usually aborts.

Side effects: Cramping, bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea.

Price: The price of the drug has not been determined. In France, it is the same as first-term surgical abortion.


Who can perform / administer it: All doctors who are licensed to evaluate and preform abortions.

Availability: Pending tests and federal approval.

Standard Surgery

When it can be done: Until end of second trimester; third trimester only to save woman’s life.

Minimum office visits: Two. In states with mandatory 24-hour waiting period, minimum of three.

Medical requirements: Given with local or general anesthesia. Recommended no eating or drinking starting midnight before procedure.

Procedure: Methods vary. In first trimester, fetus is usually removed by suction, followed by scraping of the uterus.

Side effects: Cramping, bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea.

Price: $260-$390 (for first-term abortions)

Who can perform / administer it: Varies state to state, but usually performed by a obstetrician / gynecologist.


Availability: Every state has at least one abortion clinic.

Sources: Planned Parenthood, L.A.; Feminist Majority; Population Council

Researched by D’JAMILA SALEM / Los Angeles Times
