
OC HIGH / STUDENT NEWS AND VIEWS : quote me : OC High asks: What change could you make to improve yourself?

Responses gathered by Linda Dao, Los Amigos; Luke Fenchel, University; Christine Monette, Rosary; Tricia Michels, Fountain Valley; Courtney Adams, Corona del Mar; Jennifer Tobkin, Villa Park; Leeza Duong, Santiago; Judy Tsai, Huntington Beach; Michelle Pham, Trabuco Hills; Robert Wenzel, Irvine; Joslin Gemsch, Capistrano Valley; Kelly Maakestad, Bolsa Grande; Tina Toochinda, Dana Hills.

“I would try to be more concerned about what I can do, rather than what I have to do.”

Cory Blue,

17, University


“Increase my IQ by 50 points and lower my weight by 50 pounds.”

Elizabeth Stevens,

17, Dana Hills


“To start thinking of others before myself--or to just plain stop thinking of myself.”

Maggie Long,

15, Corona del Mar


“I could have a better brain, looks, hair, money and clothing--then I would be just right.”


Lizzie Dieu,

17, Santiago


“I don’t have enough time to tell you.”

Kristin Boroian,

16, Trabuco Hills


“I could stop being so mean to my brother and not get mad at him when he tries to help me with my Spanish homework.”


Leslie Johnson,

16, Irvine


“I would like to be more outgoing and talkative and not as shy. I could also be more patient with my little brothers.”

Jonathan Dow,

15, Fountain Valley


“If I could stop procrastinating, life would be so much better. Take my advice . . . try not to procrastinate. It’s too stressing!”

Ellen Hsu,

16, Loara


“I could start acting a little nicer to my brothers.”

Thuy Ta,

16, Bolsa Grande


“I need to learn how to control my temper and use my anger in a positive manner. I have to take into consideration other people’s points of view.”


Jason Kanyuck,

17, Villa Park


“The most important thing in life is to be happy with yourself in general. I would like to be more secure.”

Marika Manos, 15,

Huntington Beach


“Nothing. I am perfect!”

Bryan Wilbur,

16, Trabuco Hills


“I would change my temper problem. The things I say are not always what I mean, and they stick in people’s minds.”

Kelly Hewett, 14,

Capistrano Valley


“I wish I were more motivated academically. I do well in school but not well enough. In order to improve myself, I could schedule out my time and not worry about having fun all the time--although it’s only normal for a teen to want to do only fun things.”


Jennifer Murrieta,

17, Rosary


“I would stop being a procrastinator.”

Pat Huang,

14, Fountain Valley


“I would improve my willpower, because willpower is the key to making any and all other self-improvements.”

Shareen Ahmed,

16, Loara


“I could work on my personality and try to be a nicer person. I also think that I need to not let up when I’m tired and also push myself instead of other people in sports.”

Tanya Lyon,

16, Irvine


“The amount of effort I put toward school.”

Andrew Patterson,

15, Corona del Mar


“My self-motivation. I’ve missed too many assignments and let my grades majorly slip, all thanks to pointless procrastination.”

Chris Allan,

17, Villa Park


“I could be more open-minded toward others. I could change my attitude, that I might be more receptive toward their opinions as well as to be willing to share my own feelings.”

Jesse Cook,

15, Santiago


“I could be more positive on my outlook of life and more confident in the decisions that I make. I also could be more open and friendly to people that I usually do not make contact with.”

Ryan Hardy, 16,

Huntington Beach


“To not be so controlled and sensitive.”

Kim Jenkins,

17, Bolsa Grande
