
A Way to Combat Lack of Sleep: Nap

Your June 21 article, “Workers’ Restoration,” was one of several recent media reports on the serious consequences of lack of sleep in the workplace and elsewhere.

The problem became a frightening reality to me last fall when I dozed off while driving home from the office. Fortunately, the lane divider bumps jarred me back to consciousness as I began to veer into another lane, and no one was driving next to me.

I then devised a strategy to preclude a recurrence of this near-accident: Before driving home, I put my car seat in the recline position and take about a 15-minute nap. Although I really don’t fall fully asleep, this mini-respite from the day’s labors is just enough to restore my alertness for the road. Since then, I have never had a recurrence and am also less tired in the evenings once I arrive home.



Costa Mesa
