
Secede and Leave Problems Up North

When you look at what’s happening to Orange County, look a little more closely at the elected (and appointed) public officials most deeply involved. Most, if not all, of them are North County residents.

I have an idea. Why don’t all of the communities in South County secede from the county and form their own county? Say, everything from around the El Toro Y south? It sure would solve a lot of problems.

South County wouldn’t have to worry about, or pay for, added law enforcement resulting from the high crime rates in certain North County cities; no worry about what happens to the Rams or the Angels; no worry about whether the Big A’s scoreboard is going to topple again. And the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station would be entirely in South County, so North County could not exert any more pressure to turn it into a commercial airport (they would have no say in the matter); the Transportation Corridor through Laguna Canyon would be solely a South County concern; and, most important, South County could handle its own financial transactions without North County controlling it and without North County taking South County’s funds for use on projects which benefit only North County residents!


How about it? Let’s form our own county and leave North County to wallow alone in the quagmire its residents have created for all of us!


Dana Point
