
FULLERTON : Deadline for Transfer Students Is Extended

In an effort to avert future overcrowding problems, the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees has approved a policy that extends the deadline for students wanting to transfer from schools inside or outside the district.

District officials now have four weeks after school starts in September to decide whether to allow a transfer student to stay.

If the schools become overcrowded during those four weeks, transfer students will be sent to schools in their own attendance areas. But if space permits and a transfer is granted, students will be allowed to stay in the same school until graduation.


However, students who fail to get to school on time, are late for classes three times in three months or are not picked up within 15 minutes after school could be sent back to their neighborhood schools.

In addition, transfer students who display poor behavior could be kicked out of school. Should a student face revocation of his or her transfer permit, a written warning will be sent to parents, district officials said.

Also under the policy, transfer students will not be offered school bus transportation.
