
Malathion Alternatives

Here we go again: “Officials Say Battle Against Mediterranean Pest Is Nearly Won,” Feb. 12.

Our intelligence is being insulted. Fifteen years of this spray program, and state and county officials persist in claiming victories and near-victories over the Medfly. Malathion spraying is their final solution for the Medfly, even if it doesn’t work. Unless people wake up and start voicing their concerns, we’re in for another 15 years of this malathion spraying.

Expert entomologist James Carey believes that the Medfly is established in California. It continues to appear even in areas where the state has previously claimed victories. Whether it is established or is being reintroduced is beside the point. The fact is the Medfly is a problem and, as past history has shown, will continue to be a problem.


Bottom line is, there are safe, effective alternatives. Contrary to what agriculture officials tell us, alternative controls are cheaper. Agriculture officials prefer to spend our tax dollars on expensive, ineffective methods, instead of using their dollars on cheaper, more effective methods.


