
Politicians and Their Security Blankets

The voters of the 35th state Senate District faced another election. Why didn’t (they) vote for a state senator back in November, during the general elections? Because Marian Bergeson would not resign her Senate seat until after she was secure in a new position, that of a county supervisor.

It is time that elected officials stop treating their offices as a security blanket, not to be abandoned until another is available. If they are interested in new offices (to bypass term limits?), they should vacate their current ones and take their chances with the new elections. Holding on to their existing posts serves only as a starting point as public holders move from one position to the next.

One of the candidates for the 35th Senate District, Ross Johnson, (was) already an Assemblyman. Thus, his seat will have to be filled by another special election and so on, creating their own “domino effect.”


I propose that we do not vote for any candidate, in any election, who is running one race while still holding to another secure, elected post.


