
County’s Trash Dumping Plan Stinks

I would like to know where the Orange County officials were when the brains were passed out. The county investment pool fiasco was bad, but it is no excuse for the present decision to allow people from other counties to dump their trash in Orange County.

The state forces us to reduce the amount of trash going to the landfill sites or stiff fines will be imposed on local government officials. Then we have the county inviting people from other counties to dump their trash here.

Who pays for the additional wear on our roads? Do we actually need more trucks to be added to our traffic? Where do we dispose of our trash after all of our landfill sites are full?


My trash bills are now 1,145% higher than they were in 1982, 641% higher than in 1983 and 150% higher than in 1989. Some of the increases were caused by state actions and some by the county continuously increasing the charges for use of the landfill sites.

Now the county wants to raise the landfill site charges by 33% or 55%. How deep are your pockets?

It is my belief that using funds from the landfill sites to subsidize other county expenses is illegal.


It is definitely a method of making the Orange County residents pay for the ineptness of county officials.


Garden Grove

Bob Dinsen is a city councilman in Garden Grove.
