
<i> A behind-the-scenes look at Orange County’s political life</i> : Agran Says That After Due Consideration, He’ll Vote Against Measure R

The county Democratic Party may have come out in favor of Measure R last week, but one of its most prominent members, Irvine’s Larry Agran, has decided to oppose the half-cent sales tax initiative.

Agran, a former Irvine mayor and presidential candidate, had been wavering on the issue for weeks. Ultimately, his decision was based on who would benefit most from the tax revenue.

“I don’t think any money collected is going to do anything to restore the services that have already been cut to the poorest and most neglected people in the county . . . the abused and neglected kids and the schoolteachers,” Agran said. “These people have been thrown off the wagon while the commitment is to bondholders and those whose primary interest is putting pavement ahead of people.”


Agran added that “to get my vote [the measure] would have to be linked to the resignations for those supervisors who are responsible for this debacle.”


Jumping In: Lake Forest Mayor Richard T. Dixon has announced his candidacy for the Assembly in the 71st District, a seat held by Republican Mickey Conroy, who must leave in 1996 because of term limits. So far, Dixon’s only declared rival is another Republican, Jim Beam, a former mayor of Orange.

Dixon, who has fought for more local representation on the committee to decide the future of the El Toro Marine base, said his guiding political principles are “less government, less spending, lower taxes and efficient services.”



Sincerely, Howard Jarvis: The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. is taking a shot at Measure R. The group is sending out a letter this week detailing its criticisms of the half-cent sales tax hike proposal along with a fund-raising appeal to the 16,000 Orange County residents on its mailing list.

President Joel Fox said his anti-tax group also split six weeks ago with its longtime consulting partners--Butcher, Forde & Mollrich--over the consultants’ working for the tax increase. “We won’t be getting back together afterward,” he said. “As they say in divorces--we are growing in different directions.”


McRohrabacher: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s offices seem to be turning into a seedbed for conservative politicos. They spend some time with him and then look for a legislative stage.


Last month, the congressman’s top legislative aide, Rick Dykema, said he is exploring a primary challenge of Rep. Steve Horn (R-Long Beach). And now Jim Righeimer, Rohrabacher’s campaign chairman, is announcing for the 67th Assembly District, the one being vacated in 1996 by Doris Allen (R-Cypress) because of term limits.

The Huntington Beach real estate consultant and broker said, “We need somebody who has some business sense to work in Sacramento for the betterment of this district.”

Righeimer is certain to face Haydee Tillotson, who last year spent nearly $400,000 of her own money seeking a seat on the Board of Supervisors. She has also been a county planning commissioner. Another name being bandied about for the seat is Danielle Madison, who runs the Allied Business Political Action Committee, said Thomas A. Fuentes, county GOP chairman.

Righeimer has the endorsement of wealthy county entrepreneur and businessman George Argyros.

Rohrabacher is leaning that way too. “I am encouraging him, and unless there is another conservative with better credentials, I will be backing Righeimer,” he said. “He seems like absolutely the best candidate we can run, a community activist and political activist and that is the best kind of person to put in the Legislature.”

What about his mentoring role?

“It could be that after people get to know me they figure, ‘If he can be a congressmen I can get elected too, “ Rohrabacher said with a laugh.



Threatening Doris: The tug-of-war between Democrat Speaker Willie Brown and the Republicans for the Assembly’s top post will intensify in the coming weeks now that Paul Horcher has been replaced by a Republican in his former Los Angeles County District.

One of the groups active in the recall, the conservative California Republican Assembly, is threatening Assemblywoman Doris Allen (R-Cypress), who announced this month that she wants to run for Speaker and is seeking support from Democrats. The Republicans need Allen’s vote to win the speakership for Jim Brulte (R-Rancho Cucamonga).

The Irvine-based GOP group warned her in a letter last week that it was OK for her to seek support within the Republican caucus, but the “Republican caucus must generate one candidate” for Speaker. If she thwarts Brulte’s drive, the group vowed, it will harness “the same obsessive commitment” against her that led to Horcher’s recall.


* Monday: The Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce presents a debate on Measure R from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the council chamber, 20 Civic Center Plaza.

* Tuesday: Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach) will be the featured speaker at the Republican Associates breakfast. Information: Lisa Thomas at (714) 838-5736.

* Tuesday: Reception for Dick Ackerman, candidate for 72nd Assembly District, at El Cholo Restaurant from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 840 E. Whittier Blvd. La Habra. Information: (714) 525-0175


* Wednesday: Debate on Measure R hosted by the California Republican League of Orange County. 7 to 9 p.m. at Pacifica Hospital, 18792 Delaware St., Huntington Beach. Information: (714) 454-9910

* Wednesday: Discussion between County Democratic Chairman Jim Toledano and Common Cause on Measure R at the 67th Assembly District Democratic Committee and the Democratic Club of West Orange County. 7:30 p.m. at the Orange County Teachers Assn. Building, 20800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach.

* Thursday: The Orange County Assembly delegation will have a fund-raiser for Assemblyman Jim Morrissey (R-Anaheim) from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Chanteclair Restaurant. Information: (714) 540-9561.

* Thursday: Bench/Bar/Media Committee has its brown bag lunch at noon to hear a presiding judge give a report on Measure R and trial court funding. Judges cafeteria, third-floor of Superior Court, 700 Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana.

Compiled by Times political writer Peter Warren, with contributions from staff writer Len Hall

Politics ’95 appears every Sunday.
