
County Protests

Regarding “Yaroslavsky, Reed Threatened,” July 21:

Saying that SEIU Local 660 “has threatened more protests” in an article about threatened violence implies that county employees are doing something wrong when we exercise our First Amendment rights. We are loud, and we are angry about plans to close vital public services. But we have never engaged in violent activity. You mention the arrest of union members and community supporters during protests. The article failed to note, however, that the demonstrations were nonviolent acts of civil disobedience.

County workers can sympathize with Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky and anyone else threatened on the job because we are the most frequent victims of work-related violence, from emergency room personnel held hostage by deranged gunmen to welfare eligibility workers assaulted by angry, desperate recipients. The report notes that some union members shouted, “We know where you live,” to the supervisors. Those comments are ambiguous, and do not reflect the union’s position. It would be totally incongruous for us to turn around and advocate physical harm to anyone.


Communications Director

SEIU Local 660, Los Angeles
