
SIMI VALLEY : Free Flu Shots Given at Drive-Through

The first 1,000 callers will receive free drive-through flu shots sponsored by Simi Valley Hospital.

After they register, participants can receive the shot by rolling up their sleeves and driving through one of the stations without ever leaving their car.

Family Health Care Medical Group and Simi Valley Hospital will provide the flu shots at the Medical Arts Building parking lot at 2950 N. Sycamore Drive, Simi Valley. Shots will be given from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 21.


Participants must be 18 or over. Doctors recommend the shots for anyone older than 60 and for people whose health could be seriously threatened in they catch the flu.

Appointments can be made by calling 583-5068 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
