
Catholic Students Thanked by Teachers

Folk singers Bev and Jerry Praver entertained students at St. Juliana Falconieri School this weekas part of Catholic Schools Week, when teachers throughout the country thank students for enrolling in Catholic schools.

“This is fun,” said 10-year-old A.J. Santos, who was playing with a “limberjack,” a wooden puppet that can be made to dance.

The Pravers sang and taught students how to play spoons, the autoharp and other traditional folk instruments.


“This is really cool,” said Katie Vogt, 8, as she waited her turn to play an autoharp.

This week, the school’s eighth-graders are sponsoring field events for younger students, and after a special Mass today all the pupils will deliver thank-you notes to their parents in appreciation for enrolling them at St. Juliana.

On Monday, the students participated in a picnic on campus with their parents. On Tuesday, they visited public officials and service workers, giving them baskets of home-baked cookies made by their families. The recipients included police officers, firefighters, St. Jude Hospital nurses and their patients, and residents of a local convalescent home.

“This week is the best thing about this school,” said Melissa Money, 9. “It’s the best school I’ve ever been to.”


The purpose of the week is to celebrate Catholic schools and publicize them, said Principal Mary Margaret Santoni.

“It’s an appreciation of the work that Catholic schools do, what we teach and what our values are,” she said. “We’re also letting the community know that we appreciate their support and we’re telling the children that we feel very honored that they are allowed to be here.”
