
Community Center Design Approved

Plans for a new community center advanced a step closer to reality with the City Council’s recent approval of a design for the facility.

By a 4-1 vote, the council last week decided on a 9,180-square-foot center, including a lounge and game room for seniors, a kitchen, a community activity room and a 75-car parking lot.

The $1.8-million center will be built at the new sports park, on Camino del Avion next to Marco F. Forster Middle School.


The council opted against an alternative plan that would have included 10,035 square feet at a cost of $2.02 million. That option would not have provided as much space for senior activity. About $1.7 million is budgeted for the community center.

The council also voted to expedite the review process for the center by holding one joint session for all five commissions that must sign off on the project. The council will then review the findings. Construction is slated to be completed by December 1997.

Councilwoman Carolyn Nash cast the dissenting vote.

“We’re supposedly building a community center that can take care of functions for the whole community,” Nash said. “As it’s laid out now, there’s only space for the seniors.”
