
Adding Members to NATO

I could not find in your April 28 editorial any reasoned argument on how NATO enlargement could hurt the Central and Eastern European countries or Russia. To the contrary, Central and Eastern European countries would find it easier to stabilize democratic structures and speed up economic development if they were integrated into NATO. NATO expansion will also encourage democratic forces in Russia, and in the long run will bring it great benefit.

European unity should be strengthened as the Commonwealth of Independent States crumbles. After CIS’ collapse, Russia will more readily come to her senses.


Santa Monica


* Didn’t you learn anything from the lessons of the Munich Agreement in 1938 or the Yalta Conference in 1945? Please, stop complaining about slogans or budget estimates. NATO expansion is a once in a lifetime opportunity to stabilize Europe for the next 50 years and to avoid regional conflicts. The present status quo cannot last forever and when Boris Yeltsin is gone we may be facing an expansionist Russia again. We all hope and believe this will not happen, but in politics there are no sure things.



Los Angeles
