
Pinted-Sized Punch Lines

What has a head and tail but no body? A coin. (Krystal Ann Ulibarri, 11, Hacienda Heights, Mesa Robles School)

* Who is a virus’ favorite composer? Tchai-cough-ski. (Erica Sheerin, 10, Beverly Hills, Beverly Vista School)

* Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from the Colonel. (Ilana Ruth Bevan, 6, Oxnard, Brooktree Academy)


* What is a mouse’s favorite game? Hide and squeak. (Kelly N. Dix, 9, Garden Grove, Enders Elementary)

* What plant is always happy? Rose-merry. (John Rees, 11, Arcadia, Highland Oaks Elementary)

* When do golfers avoid coffee? At tee time. (Artie Goldberg, 12, Marinette, Wis., Elizabeth Avenue Day Center)


* KIDS, GOT A JOKE? Send it to Pint-Sized Punch Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Print (or type) your full name, age, hometown and school. Please note that we try to avoid jokes we’ve published before. And please be patient.
