
Developer Will Help Save Center’s Painted Bird Tiles

A developer tearing down the aging Seacliff Shopping Center will assume much of the costs tied to relocating the complex’s popular artwork.

Shea Properties will pay $210,000 of the estimated $250,000 to move the painted tiles of birds to other locations when the existing center is demolished in the fall, said City Councilwoman Shirley S. Dettloff, who is leading the campaign to preserve the artwork.

She said more money is still needed. “We are still in the midst of an intensive fund-raising campaign. I think we can get the job done.”


A city-sponsored Save the Birds reception and tour will take place Wednesday to raise money and educate the public about the painted tiles.

Development plans, approved last week by the City Council, call for a more modern center anchored by the existing supermarket and a new drug store. Pending final City Council approval, construction should begin in the fall.

Save the Birds runs from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The center is located at Main Street and Yorktown Avenue. Information: (714) 536-5258.
