
The Few, the Proud, the Maligned

* Your article on Charles Ng on May 16 begins with “ex-Marine” and “a former Marine” but makes no reference in the story about his Marine Corps service. I do not understand the relevance.

There are a great number of ex-Marines who have accomplished wonderful things in our society--such as the late Thomas Riley, whom you do often properly affiliate with the Marine Corps. On the other hand, there are some alleged and convicted criminals, who were undistinguished Marines yet unfortunately retain the association, thanks to the press.

I do not know of Ng’s service record, but my bet is he did not rise in the ranks.

What high school did he attend? There is about as much sense referencing his high school as his military service.


After the trial are you going to continue calling him an “ex-Marine” or change to “ex-attorney”? Defending himself on allegations of committing serial murders was the essence of the article.


Mission Viejo
