
Flora and Fiberglass Fauna

Recently, the need arose for a fiberglass dinosaur. Don’t ask. Just know that it was important. But where to go for such an item?

We’ve heard that if something isn’t in the Yellow Pages, it doesn’t exist. We looked, and there, under “Fiberglass,” was a listing for the California Art Products Co., makers of residential and commercial items since 1967. They had the desired dino. Two, in fact, along with a veritable Noah’s ark of critters, plus the makings for relandscaping after the flood--the company specializes in miniature ponds and streams.

Here is everything you need to turn your backyard into Kitschland. Come for a pond for a boa constrictor. (People have.) Pick up a flamingo or a chicken. A recent tour turned up buffalo, waterfalls galore, an eagle, a horse and a couple of stray colossal gods and goddesses--leftovers from several prominent Las Vegas casinos,says owner Pat Berberian. The shop also specializes in custom work and has done Vegas palaces, including the fake New York skyline for New York New York.


Now your home can look like Caesars Palace. As an example, Berberian mentions the “lady poet” who wanted “early Armenian kings and queens in bas-relief.”

With the exception of the rocks and stream bases, the objects come in primer gray, allowing new owners to decorate at whim. The shop gets occasional photos of customers’ home handiwork, including a chicken painted “boudoir pink,” Berberian says.

Alas, the dino costs some dinero--this stuff doesn’t come cheap. A 4 1/2-foot dinosaur goes for $450, an alligator for $650, a life-size horse for $1,200. Maybe it’s just as well. Think about how your neighbors might complain.


California Arts Products Co., 11111 Chandler Blvd., North Hollywood. (818) 762-4276.
