
Shots Urged for Those Most at Risk

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Flu shots are a must for the elderly and others at risk for serious complications of the disease, but they make sense for just about everyone. A few dollars at most, shots are often covered by health insurance.

The best time to get them is between September and December. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends annual vaccination for anybody who wants to reduce the chance of catching influenza.

However, the government considers flu shots especially important for:

* Everyone over age 65.

* Residents of nursing homes or other long-term care facilities.

* Anyone with serious heart disease, kidney disease, lung disease, anemia or other blood disorders or such metabolic diseases as diabetes.


* Children on long-term aspirin treatment, since flu can lead to Reye syndrome.

* Women who will be more than three months pregnant during flu season.

* Doctors, nurses and other caregivers.
