
Royal Court Chosen for Tournament of Roses

When the seven members of the 1999 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Royal Court were chosen Monday, Arcadia High School emerged as a big winner, producing three of the lucky girls.

One of the royal court will be named the 81st Rose Queen on Oct. 20.

The selection ends a monthlong process that drew more than 800 Pasadena-area teenagers. Members of the 1999 Tournament of Roses Royal Court include: Christina Farrell, 17; Chaitali Gala, 17, and Olivia Wilson, 17, all from Arcadia High School.

The other court members are Yvonne Bisgaard, 18, La Canada High School; Dana Ford, 18, Maranatha High School; Sophie Soong, 17, South Pasadena High School, and Cristina Wucetich, 17, San Marino High School.


Tournament officials say selections were based on such qualities as public speaking ability, poise, academic achievement, community involvement and personality.

“We were impressed by the exceptional young women we met throughout the tryout process and are grateful for their participation and enthusiasm,’ said Larry Gray, chairman of the Queen and Court Committee.

As ambassadors of the Tournament of Roses, the Royal Court members will attend more than 100 functions during their reign over the 110th Rose Parade.
